Three Reminders to Myself on the 'Nature-based' Database
In Day 5 of my word challenge, I consider databases by giving myself three nature-based reminders on how to make them....
Suggestions and experience of how to deal with information overload
In Day 5 of my word challenge, I consider databases by giving myself three nature-based reminders on how to make them....
A look back at 2024, what worked and what didn't, and a look forwards to 2025....
Like an overgrown garden where seeds had been scattered randomly, my PhD research was everywhere. Discovering PKM has helped to transform this chaos into a thriving ecosystem of connected ideas....
Discover the unique benefits of having a 'Lessons Learned Register' for use throughout your research....
Struggling with email imbalance? Here's 7 Principles I use to reduce stress in my inbox and beyond....
A lot of information comes at you very quickly when doing research. Make sure your note-taking keeps focus by having a defining set of questions by which to filter information by....