Annual Planning for PhD Students: A Feel-Good Bottom-Up Approach
Overwhelmed by annual goals? Try this approach instead that builds upon what you enjoy at the day to day level....
Managing time and tasks is always an uphill battle. Here's some ways to try to develop healthy habits to make the most of your time as a researcher and your own time.
Overwhelmed by annual goals? Try this approach instead that builds upon what you enjoy at the day to day level....
A look back at 2024, what worked and what didn't, and a look forwards to 2025....
Struggling with email imbalance? Here's 7 Principles I use to reduce stress in my inbox and beyond....
Don't stress about using every moment of time to get things done, but do use them when the rest of your time doesn't go to plan and recognise how much time they add up to....
I have always had low expectations for New Years Resolutions, but perhaps I am wrong!...
I'm a firm believer in small daily habits compounding into greater things. By focusing on developing regular habits we can benefit from the influence of compounding, and reap the beneficial impacts on time in the longer run....